We have always believed the most dangerous lie When they brought out the chicken, Laid the egg in our hands... When they read from the book of Fryers The story of the sale and the feast; The Mother Who Feeds Us With every part of her body and family, We confess our unity. When they say It Has Been Always Thus Covered starving in other truths Excavated by sharp words. We held it steady and waited. This will be our small lie, Our foundational myth of consumption, Our taking from the Mother Our stealing our lives. We repeat, together, as we cradle the egg Only the bravest can handle the Lie, The most dangerous lie. Truth is hidden. It is weak. It is written. We are to keep it always so. Between us. Unsaid. The Mother always hid it from the Lie, The, good, wise, strong Lie We have always believed. We will always believe. Thus, we eat. Sharing with The Sunday Muse #175. There is no interpretive text this week, as scholars strongly disagree about whether words ha...