So. I've been watching my friends' feeds and listening to the commentary that's come out of the surfeit of poor decisions handed down by the US Supreme Court and the increasingly illegitimate Texas state government (you can't remain legitimate if you don't support ethical office holders, fail to support the state during a pandemic, or fail to resist a party platform upholding the basis of an insurrection) and feeling the fury and shock vibrate in my throat and chest.
I'm not articulate when I'm angry. I'm more likely to scream as if there was fire at the very bottom of my stomach and I'm trying to project it all the way to whatever has sparked the anger. I'm more of a break things than create things. And that's my failing. And it's the reason that I'm stepping away from writing.
I can't speak in the way that others can and have. There is no room for distraction in this moment.
I'm done.
-- Chrissa
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