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Lunar Lanai

This is one of the prompt images Carrie brought in for WordCrafters last Wednesday. The prompts this week were multifaceted and I chose a different direction during the meeting but really liked this image. Couldn't think of a good direction until today. Which might have to do with this week bringing in all the summer humidity and most of the heat. And mosquitoes. Definitely in the mood to get the non-volunteer sunflowers in the ground to see how they do compared to the ones the birds have scattered among the pots and bricks and grass. -- Chrissa  I know the man in the moon, he rents the apartment on the third floor. Far corner, to the left. See him in the laundry room some nights. There's a woman who keeps a rabbit--no pets allowed, but we don't notice. She's on the first floor but you can see the fur gleaming in the window Nights when the moon's doing his laundry. There's a woman who wears those crochet dresses, you know the ones? Like we're all watching a ...
Recent posts

Change of Season

 Spring mushrooms and onion blooms, these are the things Spring in Texas is made of. 

No Mercy

There was a seed , there was a tree Then there came a motor and an edge An in delicate labor and now a stump Snuffling the day, restless to rampage A brain torn from the soil Now a new red boar Growling through the foliage : No kneel ing before the cart No pause before the charge No mercy at the root This past week's WordCrafters meeting included a plethora of prompt ideas, including writing from a gardening or nature-based perspective, a word list, a suggested beginning sentence, and a collection of images. I used the word list (the green words above are from the list) and maybe, in a sideways fashion, the nature-based perspective.  And then there were the images. For some reason lately, I've been noodling through two prompts on Wednesdays, writing one out for sharing and keeping the other to turn over during the week. The image this week? A woman drumming light. It caught my eye and then my brain and then it embedded itself into an old idea that I'd abandoned years ago a...

I Have a Blog

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TBR/TBW: August 2023

 Salutations, ReaderPeople! Just to catch you up on the Filling-in-the-Gaps TBR, I've read the books for 1973 and 1980 and have switched out 1984's book several times but have finally settled on Dragons of the Autumn Twilight. I might end up switching out 2023 for a poetry book, depending on how the next two novels go. I'm going to update my Goodreads once all the books are done, filling in those gaps. I'm also going to sideswipe the GarbAugust reading event (do the prompts for each week but skip the bingo, etc.), possibly reading Alan Dean Foster's Krull  for week 3 (novelization or book by famous person). I'm going to have to locate books for the rest (Week 1: Category Romance or Men's Adventure; Week 2: Paperbacks from Hell or Vintage Smut; Week 4: Anything Goes)...I'll have to skim Paperbacks from Hell  to see if there's anything my weak stomach can handle.  And then there's the writing. I've been finding NaNoWriMo/prompts really distract...

Filling in the Gaps

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Not Slacking, Just Writing

 So. My actual screensaver called me out today. Have I been writing much poetry? Is the doggerel below P O E T R Y? Yeah, probably not. However. The real story is that I'm working my way through a few stories for Camp NaNoWriMo. At almost halfway through the month, I'm still not sure what will end up under the pen on a day-by-day basis but I've added to several.  My reading has been similar. Lots of initial chapters or initial handful of chapters but very, very few final chapters completed. I'm thinking about taking a day and just clearing out my zine basket. Summer heat settled in early, so I haven't been doing any outdoor reading, but zines are pretty quick and I should be able to finish several while the squirrels raid the birdseed. :)  Hope you're having a good writing/reading summer! It must have been a movie, black and white, Watched when I was younger, maybe sick, Glancing between Mom cleaning and the screen. A father and his daughter in a lighthouse New ...