This is one of the prompt images Carrie brought in for WordCrafters last Wednesday. The prompts this week were multifaceted and I chose a different direction during the meeting but really liked this image. Couldn't think of a good direction until today. Which might have to do with this week bringing in all the summer humidity and most of the heat. And mosquitoes. Definitely in the mood to get the non-volunteer sunflowers in the ground to see how they do compared to the ones the birds have scattered among the pots and bricks and grass. -- Chrissa I know the man in the moon, he rents the apartment on the third floor. Far corner, to the left. See him in the laundry room some nights. There's a woman who keeps a rabbit--no pets allowed, but we don't notice. She's on the first floor but you can see the fur gleaming in the window Nights when the moon's doing his laundry. There's a woman who wears those crochet dresses, you know the ones? Like we're all watching a ...