I was reminded earlier today that I have a blog. A blog that I haven't visited--much less updated--since January of this year (2024). The idea of having a blog felt surreal and I realized that the past several months have seen a few semi-drastic changes (new jobs, an inability to finish reading/writing projects, a slow wearing away of some formerly close social ties) resulting in a feeling of having been suspended in the past but no longer being supported by...anything.
Am I still even interested in writing? Who are these new characters who are demanding more traditional fantasy settings? Am I coming back to the mineral-eating rats and the dwarves who raise them? Do I need to stop attending my writing group to write? Should I just pat these new characters on the head and tell them it's been fun but they should run off and play elsewhere for now?
I feel like I'm entering my Sarcastic Gen X phase. Maybe rediscovering it.
Or falling back into fantasy, on the other side of a fallow period.
I don't know.
But I have a blog. Maybe I'll dust it off and find out.
-- Chrissa
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