Finally! Zine season has begun. This morning I started in on my stack of Etsy poetry books/zines and lucked out with the first two.
Starting with The Untier of Impossible Knots, which has a perfect cover illustration--these are poems to lift overhead and read and then pause to see what you're thinking or feeling. My favorite poem in this balances between "Today Four Crows" and "Never Trust a Vehicle" but enjoyed the volume as a whole; it's the kind of volume you can return to and find a different favorite for the day, a bit of solace, or a concept to think through. Would recommend.
Maybe you don't do this...but I worry that the next book you select after one you enjoyed will suffer for being next. But...there's the basket of poetry and Anna Bayuk's Venus of the Swamp was waiting. I read the back first--Ms. Bayuk was the 2020 South Florida Youth Poet Laureate. So far, so good. Lovely cover. It includes art and poems! She has a gift for selecting images that chime with her words and the poems are great. I wish I could have written them. I wish even more I could have read them when I was younger. Would recommend.
-- chrissa
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