The weather keep promising and warning of showers--maybe strong storms--in the very near future. This is mostly hype; however, as we have a dog who refuses to go outside if its raining and will sit on top of you and shiver when it thunders, I pay more attention to the forecast than otherwise. Which means that I've been a little on edge as summer creeps in and the humidity zooms and the little thunderstorm icons start to march across the screen...but nothing materializes. In addition, the Jack to my Sally got his second shot yesterday and, again, rumors of a few bad days following the second shot had us laying in the soup (for him) and pizza (for me) and waiting.
So, of course, something needed to be straightened. It started out as organizing writing projects so that the notebooks for the most current projects were close to hand and then turned into rearranging the closet and progressed to updating the TBR shelf because, let's face it, as soon as I put something on there I promptly decide NEVER EVER to read it. Okay, brain, thanks for that.
Today my desk bears the evidence that I started...well, repopulating it with tiny notebooks with faces, stuffed dragons, and an octopus that looks like it's going into construction. I'm going to try getting the writing trolley arranged today. Does the writing trolley need a post? Would it help me arrange it? (yes. it will get a post.)
What about the writing? Well...I do have a notebook pulled out so I may have my project for the rest of this month sorted. We'll see.
Hope you're have a good week and the storms give you a miss!
-- Chrissa
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