There was a seed , there was a tree Then there came a motor and an edge An in delicate labor and now a stump Snuffling the day, restless to rampage A brain torn from the soil Now a new red boar Growling through the foliage : No kneel ing before the cart No pause before the charge No mercy at the root This past week's WordCrafters meeting included a plethora of prompt ideas, including writing from a gardening or nature-based perspective, a word list, a suggested beginning sentence, and a collection of images. I used the word list (the green words above are from the list) and maybe, in a sideways fashion, the nature-based perspective. And then there were the images. For some reason lately, I've been noodling through two prompts on Wednesdays, writing one out for sharing and keeping the other to turn over during the week. The image this week? A woman drumming light. It caught my eye and then my brain and then it embedded itself into an old idea that I'd abandoned years ago a...